I've coached senior and emerging leaders in many leading organizations, including:


The value that i’ve gotten from you in just three sessions has far exceeded what I’ve gotten from years of working with other coaches.
Annalie H.
Director, Incasa Consulting

I have been lucky enough to have worked with a few executive coaches during my career. Without question, Sandie has been the most effective and fun. She balances intuition and creativity with sharp focus, leveraging her own corporate experience, to support and challenge you in equal measure. She is also a generous, warm, fun person to work with. I would recommend her, without hesitation, to anyone aiming to make changes in their life or work. (Just be prepared that she may also inspire you to become a triathlete!)
Olivia Hendrick
Brand Director, Mars

I was reaching a plateau in my career, and needed to find ways to increase my effectiveness and edge. Sandie's coaching sessions were rejuvenating, supportive, often funny, and always insight-driven. As I accomplished her custom-designed assignments, it seemed to me that my work problems (which had been growing for years) were making a noticeable U-turn. Sandie's high-level coaching enabled me to see options I had never realized were there, and to redirect my focus on the right tasks. I was surprised to rediscover my enthusiasm for the job and the entertainment industry.
Name Confidential
Executive, Showtime Networks